Thanks! This new software is a real help. My son is able to get real answers, where I just performed the step without real thought. You may have just saved his grades.
Patricia Blackwell, NJ
The new version is sooo cool! This is a really great tool will have to tell the other parents about it... No more scratching my head trying to help the kids when I get home from work after a long day, especially when the old brain is starting to turn to mush after a 10 hour day.
Carmen Phillips, WA
I am actually pleased at the content driven focus of the algebra software. We can use this in our secondary methods course as well as math methods.
Sally Adair, KS
I really like your software. I was struggling with fractions. I had the questions and the answers but couldnt figure how to get from one to other. Your software shows how the problems are solved and that was the answer for me. Thanks.
Maria Chavez, TX