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I do understand what your problem is, but if you could explain in greater detail the areas in which you are facing struggling, then I might be in a better position to guide you. Anyhow I have some advice for you, try Algebrator. It can solve a wide variety of questions, and it can do so within minutes. And that’s not it , it also gives a detailed step-by-step description of how it arrived at a particular answer. That way you don’t just solve your problem but also get to understand how to go about solving it. I found this program to be particularly useful for solving questions on free online 11+ test papers. But that’s just my experience, I’m sure it’ll be good no matter what the topic is .
Hi guys I agree, Algebrator is the greatest. I used it in Algebra 1, College Algebra and Remedial Algebra. It helped me understand the hardest algebra problems. I'm grateful to it.
I remember having often faced difficulties with adding exponents, graphing equations and difference of cubes. A truly great piece of algebra program is Algebrator software. By simply typing in a problem from workbook a step by step solution would appear by a click on Solve. I have used it through many math classes – Remedial Algebra, College Algebra and Algebra 2. I greatly recommend the program.