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Solving Linear Equations
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Solving Linear Equations

Example: Solve 3.1(x – 5) = 2x – 5

STEP 1: Enter one side of the equation under Y1
and the other side of the equation under Y2.
Let Y1 = 3.1(x – 5) and Y2 = 2x – 5
Go to and enter both equations.
STEP 2: Then press .
NOTE: To find the intersection, you have to see
the point where the two lines intersect. If you
cannot see this point, then you will need to
change the size of your viewing window.
STEP 3: The solution to the equation will be the
point where the two lines intersect.
To find this point of intersection, press
which is the CALCULATE menu.
Arrow down to 5: intersect.
Then press .
STEP 4: The calculator asks for the first curve.
Use the arrow keys to move the cursor so it is on
one of the lines (it does not matter which one).
Then press .

The cursor should jump to the other line. If it
does not, use the arrow keys to move it to the
other line.

Then press .
Press again for the guess.

STEP 5: The calculator will then find the point
where the two lines intersect.
Since you are solving the equation for x, you
just want the x-coordinate of the point.
The solution to this equation would be
x = 9.55
Checking the Solution
Step 1: To check the solution, press
(next to the clear key) and arrow over to
Select 1:Function and press
Step 2: Select the y- variable that you entered
one side of the equation under and
press .
Press again.
The calculator stores the x-coordinate of the
point of intersection in x and evaluates 3.1(x-5)
for x = 9.55.
Step 3: Repeat Step 1 and select the y- variable
for the other side of the equation you entered
and press .
Then press again.
The calculator now evaluates 2x-5 for x = 9.55.
The two values should be the same. This
means the solution x = 9.55 checks.
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